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Apart from Termina, Guldove is the most important trade center in El Nido. It serves as a kind of secondary hub for the islands, a domestic hub, where the various Nidoan populations mingle and trade. This is important for a variety of reasons, among them that the Marbulites feel more comfortable in Guldove than they do in Termina, and the Earth Dragon exiles are fearful of what might happen to them if they are caught on Acacia's shores. Guldove thus sees heavy intra-Nidoan traffic, and therefore maintains friendly relations with all of the islands.

Guldove is also an important religious center for the islands, as it is the only recognized infrastructural center for Draconicism, the primary religion of the El Nido islands. Here, the Shaman is an important figure in the island's day-to-day politics, and her shrine (the Shaman is almost always a female) is filled almost daily with worshippers come to offer their prayers to the Six Dragon Gods.

Since the close of the Cleansing Wars, Guldove has also been the base of operations for the Preservers, a group of wizards who specialize in repairing the ecological damage done to El Nido by Rajaat's army of Defilers. The Preserver Academy is dedicated to training magically inclined individuals as healers, and boasts the daughter of the late General Viper, Clarice, as its High Preserver.