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Touting itself as "Ticondera's oldest haven for lovers of dark music and culture", The Banque is a Bonro nightclub catering to the gothic subculture, and is arguably the birthplace of that particular subculture in the Web. It was opened by legendary TFF general Kylenne Saizer, after she'd decided she was too old to pick fights with crazy Sorceresses and decided to make a safe place for her kids to drink and carouse at. In the spirit of the Marak sense of humor, Kylenne converted an abandoned Tauroch temple with the help of her old lieutenant, Dion Melanion (who'd somehow managed to become an executive at Sera:Nova Records, though he won't say why or how).

The Banque has several theme nights, catering to every niche of the subculture: the leather/fetish crowd, industrial kids, Visual Kei, romantics, etc. The first Carnivale of the Macabre (a gothic/industrial music festival) took place there, and there are also poetry slams and other special events hosted on a regular basis.