Tyrano Warship

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The Tyrano class warship is the Guardians' heavy cruiser. It is the big boy of the Fleet; typically, you will only find one or two of these vessels serving as the command ship(s) for an entire Dimension's fleet -- save in Gatespace, where a flotilla of ten are attached to the Crownguard as escorts. For a good long while after its introduction, the Tyrano was the largest ship in Web space (being well over 4 miles long at the keel). Tyranos are large, and shaped almost like the gigantic reptile for which they are named; they have a distinctive "tail" which trails behind them, and is in actuality a Thundersnake coil (one of the Tyrano's more insidious weapons). The ship's head has a gaping, fang-filled maw, which opens and shuts and houses multiple Luminaire missile batteries. Tyranos carry a complement of 300 fighter craft, and they have enough weapons to make an Omen battleship feel strangely inadequate.