Talk:Serena Lassiter

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A bit of explanation and etymological geekery: Serena's Tunlanese name is a mishmash of Hindi and Polynesian musical terms. "Fatele", the Lassiters' family name, is actually a form of traditional dance music on the South Pacific island of Tuvalu. "Mele" means "song" or "chant" in Hawaiian. Finally, "Lavani" comes from the Hindi word "lavanya" which means "beautiful", and is actually a form of traditional folk music popular in central India. So, in essence her given name is "beautiful song". I wanted to give a shoutout to Hindi because in the crack Breath of Fire 1 fanfics I wrote (as well as the Kupop stuff I continued to write on my own), Tunlan was a pseudo-Indian culture that was a neverending Bollywood musical. --Aurora 01:47, 1 February 2007 (CST)