River of Tyme

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also Tyme River, Dasan Fjords or River of What Might have Been

A seemingly sourceless river flows from Source, down through the Bloodbane Mountains, just outside of the nation of Truklan, and then loops back into Source again. As it passes through the Bloodbane Mountains and its ever changing landscapes, it forms a series of fjords and rapids unlike any seen in any other dimension. Spanning mountains across, the unnaturally blue water of the Dasan rushes violently across course rock carved again and again through the ages by the monstrous Zevins. It funnels into one tremendous waterfall, however, which feeds into a calmer river as it passes through Truklan. This river is known to most as Tyme River, though to the Truklanese, it is regarded as the River of What Might have Been. The reason for the name is that those who sleep while submerged in the water will be visited by visions of other possibilities in their own lives. The visions of Tyme River can be maddening -- seeing what might have been, what opportunities have been missed, or what you might have been capable can be a harsher stab or reality than many are prepared to see. The millitaristic nation of Truklan, however, requires that all citizens being raised to the rank of master for their particular field pass through the test of the River unmarred.