Harkinian Lucius Valentine

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The current Emperor of Hylia in Kupopolis Legends. Harkinian is a stately, distinguished gentleman of middle years renowned for his even temperament and fair judgment. Harkinian's driving philosophy was that with stewardship of the Triforce came a great and terrible responsibility, and he firmly believed that he was more the captain of a ship rather than a mighty Emperor. He was much beloved by the common folk and the non-ethnic Hylians of the Empire, and his whirlwind courtship and marriage of the young Queen Anastasia of Labrina was the stuff of legend and celebration.

The sudden death of his beloved Empress changed him forever, though. To the public, he was still the strong and steady Emperor they had known and loved. Privately, however, he has almost entirely shut down emotionally, and in his unbearable grief he became a shell of the vigorous man he once was. A deep melancholia has settled over him, and he wears nothing but black in mourning for Anastasia. He is obsessed with making sure her memory is not lost to time, and is currently constructing a vast shrine to her on the island of her native Labrina.