Glory Tower

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Originally created as a place of learning for those fumbling with the powers of mana in the world of Aryth, the Glory Tower soon grew to become much more. As each of the fledgling Five Great Nations began to grow and take shape, members of their distinctive cultures made the journey to the Glory Tower. As such, the Glory Tower became a cultural center of the entire dimension. It also became a source of increasing trust between the Great Nations. Eventually, when the outline of Aryth and its borders was to be created, it was done peacefully, at the Glory Tower.

The Glory Tower also was a place of learning. Magic-users who were trained within the confines of the Tower found that their powers offered them fascinating new means by which to manipulate and explore their surroundings, and it was often the most inquisitive of magic users in Aryth that made the most important discovers dealing in science, medicine, and the very nature of mana itself. To hold their knowledge, an enormous library was constructed right in the Tower, which is still unrivalled by any other in the dimension.

Since the Tower was both a home to knowledge and mutual trust in Aryth, it slowly grew into the role of the dimension`s overseer. Though it was never officially decided, as time went on leaders of the Five Great Nations often turned to the Tower to help with important decisions, and in some cases, to solve national crises. The Tower sensed this role and adjusted well to it, even taking it upon themselves to become the voice of judicial law within the land.

Now, however, the Tower`s position is challenged. The introduction of Aryth to the rest of the Web has made it clear to many that they can easily do without the mystical powers of the Tower. It is the Tower`s awkward position within Aryth that has ignited the debate that now blankets the dimension. There are those that would stay with the Tower`s leadership, and there are those who would much rather do without.


The Tower exists primarily for one reason -- to train would-be magic users in the art of mana manipulation. Aryth has a very high magic-user to non magic-user ratio, and early on those who had the power to manipulate mana were seen as dangerous and occult. The Tower was developed by a small number of experienced magic users before Aryth`s written history to take in others with the powers and to teach them to use them safely. This is still the Tower`s main purpose and function.

However, the Tower has adopted several other duties. Among them, they are a source of political diplomacy among the Five Great Nations, the voice of law within the land, and also the largest source of knowledge in all of Aryth.

Orders and Standings

Perhaps most complex about the Glory Tower and the people within are the orders and rankings within. People come in as simple trainees, often called novices or beginners. From there, they can work themselves up to Cenrum, Tane Cenrum, High Cenrum.. even Verund Cenrum.

  • Trainee/Novice/Beginner - Though they have no official moniker, the people new to the Tower and its training are usually called by one of these names.
  • Cenrum - One with magical talents who has learned enough to avoid hurting anyone. Generally, this is the highest level that most people achieve. The Tower insists that all magic-users stay in the Tower until they are familiar enough with their powers to avoid hurting themsleves and others. Once they have reached that basic level, they are titled Cenrum and are free to do as they want. Becoming a Tane generally takes signifigant magic talent and quite a bit of will.
  • Tane Cenrum - After Cenrum comes Tane. Whereas a Cenrum can be easily attained in a matter of months, becoming a Tane is truly demanding, and can take years. Tanes are agents of the Tower, those that will continue it`s work and have a passion for magic use. The training involved in becoming a Tane is harsh and strict, as the Tower generally only wants those who are wholly dedicated to be involved. As a result, the ranks of Tanes are largely slim, but the Tower is also a highly efficient machine. When one finally becomes a Tane, they are given a selection of several different divisions, each based on one of the basic concieved elements. A Tane is given special duties depending on what division they select.
    • Air Tane - The Tanes of Battle. Though war is a rarity in Aryth, dangerous monsters mutated by the source are common place, and the Air Tanes exist to hold back such threats. They often work closesly with Truklan, the Nation closest to Source who also most often has to deal with the creatures of Source. Strength is an Air Tane`s greatest attribute.
    • Fire Tanes - The Tanes of Justice. Ultimately, the Fire Tanes are responsible for deciding what`s right and wrong within the Nations. When crime becomes an issue, or when some kind of intrigue is afoot, it`s generally the Fire Tanes that are on the Wisdom is a Fire Tane`s greatest attribute.
    • Water Tanes - The Tanes of Diplomacy. When issues arise that involve one or more of the Five Great Nations, it often becomes the Water Tanes` duty to mediate such dealings. Water Tanes are trained to be fair and just, but also compassionate. Water Tanes are often sent to each of the Five Great Nations to advise leaders and represent the Tower. Compassion is a Water Tane`s greatest attribute.
    • Earth Tanes - The Tanes of Knowledge. It is the duty of the Earth Tanes to collect each and every scrap of knowledge they can get their hands on. The library is their sole responsibility. Earth Tanes ar emost often inquisitive and curious. Knowledge is an Earth Tane`s greatest attribute.
  • High Tane - Each one of the divisions has a single Tane that becomes their prime authority, their "head" so to speak. Unlike many other Arythian leaders, which are chosen young, High Tanes are almost always more aged and experienced members of the division that they are chosen to lead. The High Tanes are closest to the Verund, and often advice him or her on the work of the different divions and their progress. Indispensible leaders, High Tanes are often seen as the glue that holds the Tanes together.
  • Verund Cenrum - The highest among the Tanes, the Verund Cenrum is often times chosen young, so that he/she can grow to be a great leader. A Verund belongs to none of the divisions yet all of them, and must grow to become knowledgeable, compassionate, wise, and strong. The Verund represents the Tower as a whole, and the greatest, most potentially altering decrees always come to her. It is also her job to make sure the Tower is never without direction, and to think of ways for the Tower to survive and advance.