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Camoore is one of the Five Great Nations of Aryth.


Camoore is located at the southwestern most point of Aryth, mostly along the coast. Many Camoore cities are actually island cities, some cities, including the Camoore capital city, taking up many individual islands. The land of Camoore is difficult to measure, since so much of it is water, but it is estimated to be about 630 miles square.


An accurate census of the Five Great Nations has never been attempted, but estimates made after the Arythian introduction into the Web of Worlds put the population in the ballpark of 220,000 to a 260,000 people. The population of West Aryth is entirely human, with not a single other race of species to be found, outside of variants of human species within Aryth. The introduction of other races into Aryth, of which there are over a half dozen, was quite surprising to native Arythians.


Since Camoore is a coastal nation, their farming options are limited. Although they are able to grow fruits and vegetables there that are rarely found in other places in Aryth, their chief occupation is fishing.

Camoore also have an unusual dialect, using the word "now" often and the word "storms" as a curse, and their speech is often clipped and quick.

The people of Camoore are festive, and will take to celebration at the drop of a hat. They enjoy their native beaches quite completely. There ceremonies are often in firelit nights with loud music, a music quite unlike anything else found in the web, with a springing, bouncing field played on primarily string and percussion instruments. A game called Moonsennin, a wildly popular sport in Camoore, is based around this unusual music.

A favorite pasttime of Camoorans is mudbathing, which is to simply lay in the unusual Camoore mud that covers the beaches wearing as little clothing as possible. Camoorans claim that it is soothing as well as romantic to gaze a starlit sky while resting in the comfortable mud.

Camoorans actually prefer heavier clothing in layers due to their surprisingly colder climate. They like to wear the clothing in layers that are easily stripped, so that during working times, if things get warmer, they can simply remove the outer layers. The entire dimension of Artyh actually has no inhibitions about women`s chests -- a barechested woman is just as common as barechested man. Camoorans often also wear clogs, or large wooden shoes, to help them walk easily through the often times thick mud.

Camoore does not actually have a fear of mana, but they do feel a bit separated from the Glory Tower, which is supposed to oversee them. It is for this reason that the Camoorans feel a bit indifferent towards the Tower and the residents therein.

Government & Law

Camoore naturally rose from large group of fishermen that had made their home on the coasts of the ocean. Camoore was never officially instated as a nation until the Glory Tower seemed to deem it necessary. Even now, Camoore has little in the way of law and order -- they simply continually do what they do, without much influence from anyone else.

About one hundred years ago, however, Camoore started a small act of government of their own: that was the democratic selection of a Panarch. Actually inspired by the actions of Marabon to the north, the Panarch of Camoore was elected by the people of Camoore to act as a representative to the Glory Tower and in international affairs. Though the Panarch actually excersizes little absolute power, he is selected for trust and his words are always valued.

In crime and punishment, Camoore actually has little established, and actually has a need for less: of all the Five Great Nations, crime and unjust deeds are lowest in Camoore. However, when trouble does arrive, it is generally left in the hands of Truklan and the Fire Tanes.


The Religious breakdown of Rodan is as follows: Creationists: 48% Originists: 36% Finalists: 14% Other: 2%

Camoore actually has no majority religious sect. In its nation`s history, people were left to think on their own in terms of religion, and the details of religion were never widely pressed.


Trade has been the alma mater of Aryth, even as currency is currently being introduced to the dimension by way of the Arythian Decree. Camoore`s prime trade is fish, followed by subtropical fruits and vegetables. They actually offer little in the way of outstanding or exclusive trade, but they still urge the introduction of modernization of Aryth into the Web of Worlds. Their urgency for Arythian Modernization is exceeded only by Marabon.


Although Camoore offered service in the Arythian Army during the Arythian War, they actually have no standing military.


Despite its coastal location, Camoore has some of the harshest winters in Aryth, though their summers can grow exceedingly hot. Camoore is also known to have great difficulties with storms and hurricanes, the worst of which they will call upon the assistance of Tanes in dealing with: a powerful Tane can calm even the most violent storm.


Panarch Toman Gaidin

The Current Panarch of Camoore. A suprisingly well educated man who sports a far cleaner dialect than most of the people he serves. He is also the most charismatic Panarch Camoore has had in centuries. He resents the Great Nation`s dependence on the Glory Tower, and has been pushing everyday men to make extraordinary advancements, wielding science as a weapon for the first time in Arythian history. He is also one of the loudest voices in favor for the modernization of Aryth in the Web of Worlds.

Lilian Gaidin

The eleven year old daughter of Toman Gaidin. She is actually adopted, the daughter of a pair of fishers who were lost in a storm while the child was still an infant. Toman loves the daughter as his own, and regrets that with all the political clamor in Aryth that he doesn`t have the time to give her the attention she deserves. Lilian loves her adoptive father in return fully.

Selected Major Cities

Camoore (city)

  • Pop: 45,000

To call the capital city of Camoore a city would nearly be a mistake -- of all the cities in the coastal nation, this city is by far represents what Camoore culture is like. The entire country is separated into dozens of dozens of islands, some barely large enough for one house, some that are up to three miles large. It`s hard to say where Camoore begins and ends. In the capital city, a well crafted boat is looked upon similar to what a fancy sports car would be in most countries. Boats are a neccessity too: with the exception of winter (when it is possible to walk across the frozen inland ocean) there is no other way to get around Camoore short of swimming.

On one of the center islands of Camoore is the current residency of the Panarch, a rather plain looking large home. Another island is bare except for festive decorations of torches and dancing mud. This is the Festival Island of Camoore, where the national Moonsennin championships often take place.


Pop: 16,000

What could actually be considered the first tourist spot in all of Aryth, Paradise is a small city that specializes in welcoming guests. Even before the days of Aryth`s introduction into the World of Webs, people from all over Aryth would travel to Paradise for relaxation and getaway. Festivals occur nearly every night, and large streches of shore are left with no other purpose than to mudbath. Food services are divine.