A race (or several races) of anthropomorphic animals found throughout El Nido, but especially in Guldove and Marbule. Scholars are unable to agree on whether Demi-humans evolved from mutated humans or advanced animal species, but it is known that their DNA structure is too close to that of humanity for a relationship of some kind to be discounted.
Common Demi-human Types
- Feline (Cat-men)
- Canine (Dog-men)
- Icthioid (Fish-men)
- Insectoid (Bug-men)
- Lagomorphic (Rabbit-men)
Mistaken Identities
In times past, both Merfolk (who live alongside the Demi-humans of Marbule) and Gnashers (one of the Mystic races of Medina) have been mistaken for Demi-human races. In neither case is this true: Gnashers are the male counterparts of Naga-Ettes, and Merfolk are a distinct race.