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The Titans are a group of creatures who were originally magically-created beasts born to serve the Dragons who ruled before the Time of Titans. The Dark Goddess Tyr eventually came before several of these enchanted servants of the Dragons and offered them great power and magic if they would turn against their masters, and this is exactly what they did.

For a full hundred years, Titans and Dragons fought against one another. Casualties among the Titans ranged into the thousands, and the hapless mortals caught between the two sides were slaughtered in the millions. The Dragons themselves lost only fourteen -- one among them an ancient Great Wyrm. Infinitessimally small losses comparably, but to the Dragons these losses were unfathomable and frightening. And so the Dragons called a meeting between their leaders and the most powerful of the remaining Titans. They agreed to leave the world in their care, and depart for elsewhere. Thus the Time of Titans began.

What Makes a Titan?

Titans were typified by their enormous size: a Titan should be at least large enough to crush a man by stepping on him (as happened in many of the cautionary tales that were born out of this period in the Dragon Dimension's history). Many Titans were simply larger versions of more common magical creatures (Gryphons, Giants, Unicorns, etc.), though some were known to be gigantic animals, or even large beings with unique shapes.

Since the Titans were granted immortality by Tyr, they were not known to produce offspring, although it's not known if it was impossible for them to do so.