Ilhar Velve

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A Drow term that loosely translates to “The Birth Dagger”, Ilhar Velve is the ultimate spell cast by priestesses of Sindrai'el, and is the most sacred—and deadly—in the entire Sindralian religion. As such, it is granted only to the most powerful and favored of Ara'yathrin, and is never undertaken lightly. In the casting, the high priestess channels the pain of childbirth into a death curse of terrifying power. Zhandura the Merciless, High Priestess of Sindrai'el and Queen of Ilythiir, used Ilhar Velve to devastating effect during the Elf wars, annihilating the High Elven kingdom of Vallithyre with one brutal casting--the most infamous Ilhar Velve ritual ever performed. It is a highly dangerous undertaking, and more than one ambitious high priestess has perished in the casting thinking herself capable of channeling the energies. Even if successful, the fetus is almost always slain; its lifeforce is literally sucked out and consumed in the casting of the spell. It would take a child of enormous spiritual strength to survive--indeed, in all the thousands of years of recorded Drow history, only a handful have. These children are said to be touched by the very hand of Sindrai'el, and are gifted beyond measure, possessing near-preternatural intelligence, strength, etc. Lady Ambika, the oldest of Sindrai'el's disciples, is the daughter of Zhandura the Merciless and was born in the Ilhar Velve that destroyed Vallithyre. Kariza de'Camyras is the only known Drow born of Ilhar Velve in modern times.

This spell, in many ways, is the lynchpin in the matriarchal teachings of the Way of Sindrai'el. A large reason why males are considered so inferior is because they simply cannot wield this kind of power.