Guardian Extra-AstroCosmologic Study
An understaffed, underfunded, underappreciated Guardian program that studies and monitors the nighttime sky. (An analogous real-world equivalent would be SETI.) Technically the G.E.A.C.S. reports to the Ministry of Defense. However, it is seen by several key MoD peeps as redundant and obsolete, particularly Alastair Brand.
The G.E.A.C.S. has only four staff members: Alfred Bicksworth, the main astrocosmologist and nominal 'leader' of the bunch, Jessica Milosa, another astrocosmologist, Jerry Lenfest, who maintains their computer databases, and Brian 'Damage' DeMasch, who maintains their equipment.
The G.E.A.C.S observatory is north of Port Banteau, near the Keldark Valley.