Ignatius T. 'Iggy' Smucker

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Name: Ignatius T. "Iggy" Smucker
Nicknames: Inmate, Insane Iggy
Born: 20 WR
Birthplace: Egmont, Tasnica
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Height: 6`0.5"
Weight: 235 lbs.

Occupation: Kuat Arms Expert, Weapons Tester, Destructive Engineer
Hobbies: Blowing shit up, video games
Motto: "If you ain't down with that, I got two words for ya: SUCK IT!"

Iggy Smucker has always been known for his fondness for destroying things. At an early age, he had a habit of dropping cherry bombs into toilets, and using his father's hammer to smash anything in reach. Rather than mellow out with the assistance of therapy and lots of medication, Iggy's family embraced his talents and got him involved in engineering, even though he took things apart less to see how they worked than to just take them apart.

As he reached physical maturity (emotional and mental maturity has yet to arrive), Iggy's happiness with explosions and loud noises attracted him to firearms, and living in Egmont, this naturally led him to find a job working for Kuat Arms. It was here he naturally gravitated toward the man who would become his partner in crime, the like-minded Morrie Rausberger. Together, they carved out a niche for themselves as Weapons Testers for Kuat, test-firing new weaponry, as well as testing to destruction new technology the company created.

Iggy loves to push the envelope, whether it's the limitations of whatever project has been handed to him, or it's the social acceptances of foul-mouthed and immature lunatics. His engineering background has also given him an occasional hobby of thinking up new weapons or modifications, and once he took a scrapped Kuat mecha and salvaged it, creating his own mecha, which he entered into the second annual Robotics Tournament.