Talk:Celiose Cole

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Revision as of 18:47, 23 July 2006 by Xstryker (talk | contribs)
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Where was he born? I have need of this info soonish. Xstryker 08:01, 23 July 2006 (CDT)

I *believe* it was Albrook, but likely Trav will be around today and can answer that question for you. Hey... I don't know if you're in a position to check this or not, Adam, but since you have a lot of the old AOL board stuff, maybe you could dig up an old Celiose CP and check?... longshot, I know, but I'm just tossing out ideas in case you hadn't thunk 'em yet. Scen 08:33, 23 July 2006 (CDT)

It's not simple for me to get to that info. Plus, gotta finish. Xstryker 13:47, 23 July 2006 (CDT)