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Spekkio is the Master of War and the patron deity of Guardia. The body of his worshippers form the Church of Spekkio, currently headed by Saint Madrigal.

All of the Knights of Guardia are beholden to Spekkio's code of honor in combat and chivalry in daily life. He is also a patron of Magic in Guardia, rivalled in that sphere only by the patron of Medina, the Magus.

Unlike most Gods, Spekkio's manifestation is fluid and changes depending on who he is in the presence of. He appears as weaker creatures to those he senses are weak, and takes on progressively fierce forms the stronger the mortal who looks upon him. In the presence of the most powerful mortals, he reveals his two most true forms: that of either a 10' tall, powerfully muscled being with curling ram's horns, or a 5' tall Nu. In all of his forms, in all images and iconography of the God and in all tales associated with him, Spekkio is depicted with violet skin and flashing amber eyes.