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Horrifying chemical weapon employed by The Celpo against Kuvalla in the KMT War. M-Doom is a waterborne agent. Part of the agent is a connector, designed specifically to attach itself to moogle cells, and the other half emits powerful doses of radiation, causing the person affected by M-Doom to be cooked from the inside out. Manta put the weapon in Kuvalla's main water reservoir, earning him the title of 'omnicidal'.

The current government of Kuvalla believes this atrocity has never been sufficently investigated. Some even believe that GACA owes Kuvalla reparations for the use of such a heinous weapon, especially since it largely targeted civilians and was basically unecessary for the GA to secure victory.

Such a horrifying weapon is surely banned by the Hosluftgrad Conventions. The Celpo has not used anything like it since the KMT War, but it is unknown if they still have the weapon. Some have hypothesized the Celpo possesses strains targeting other species (H-Doom, D-Doom, P-Doom, etc.)