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:Heh, a lot of things are "a little different than I remember". Whatever, guys. It's yours, I'm shutting the hell up from now on. --[[User:Aurora|Aurora]] 23:44, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
:Heh, a lot of things are "a little different than I remember". Whatever, guys. It's yours, I'm shutting the hell up from now on. --[[User:Aurora|Aurora]] 23:44, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
::... Okay. I've been getting this from both sides for a little bit now. I've got a thrumming headache and here's what I have to say: everybody just needs to learn to <i>share</i>.
::She's probably not going to say so on either the Wiki, or the main Kupop boards, but Aurora is hurt and a little miffed by a lot of what's gone on since she came back. And it all goes back to our Cardinal Rule for Interactive Stories: "Respect Other Writers." All this talk about the PWINM is hurtful to Aurora because it's the crux of what she wrote about. When Aurora left, a lot of her stuff became Community Property in the Kupopolis universe, but a significant amount of it was stashed away in the PWINM. Now she's come back, and a lot of what used to be hers is now the province of other writers -- she's come to grips with the fact that she's not ever going to get back 100% of what she contributed to the story universe. But there are some things that are essential to what she does still have, and which are dear to her, and the PWINM is one of them. At least half of the ickiness of this discussion thread is due to that.
::I say all of that because I know Aurora won't, and because I really don't want anymore of this childish and increasingly personal spat-fest to continue. As flaming as we've gotten in the past, with our word-count debates and all of that, I don't think it has ever reached the level of trouncing upon another writer's story assets, or their rights to the same. And in the time since Aurora's come back I think we've inadvertantly caused her no small amount of anguish simply out of nothing more than force-of-habit because we've gone so long on the assumption that certain things are public property.
::... Okay, the headache is getting worse. I need to eat/drink/kill something now. Just play nice. Please? If not for me, do it for the childrens. --[[User:Scen|Scen]] 00:31, 1 October 2006 (CDT)

Revision as of 05:31, 1 October 2006

No god can enter Kupopolis? Chrystalis sort of lived there for a while. Also, Kupopolis is only the physical center of the Web. The metaphysical center is the Place Which is No More. --Aurora 05:16, 30 September 2006 (CDT)

These days, at least according to the cosmology agreed on by the most people, I think that Source is the metaphysical center of the web. --JD 17:26, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
Yeah, its a little different then what you remembered, we generally adopt a more ontological approach. I always saw the Place Which Is No More as some sort of intangible place outside of existence (like in some ontological arguments the place where god is before there was a god), and Source being a gateway to that place. So Jerry pretty much is right when he says Source is metaphysical center, since its the last place where things have any semblance to physicality. --Michael 17:45, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
Well, my 2¢:
"Source", as a region in Aryth, is likely a derivation from my early declaration (as part of the original Web Dimensional Theory writeup that brought in space travel) that Aryth, as a dimension, was the Web's "Source" dimension, where all the mana-based strands spread out from (which was initially an explanation why you couldn't get there via space travel, because all the strand-flows were exiting the Dimension, but I'm not sure what the consensus is on that now). Assuming this is the case, Source is then just the... well, source of the Web's rivers of Mana (ley lines, strands, whatever nomenclature you prefer).
However, the Place That Is No More has a history in the story of having no small amount of metaphysical importance -- and it is more or less Aurora's province. I don't think it's so much intangible as simply a step removed from the physical realm of the Kupopolis storyline.
Regardless, I think nobody is really wrong here. Source is Source, the Place Which Is No More is the Place Which Is No More, and "center" of the universe is where ever I happen to be standing at a given point in time or space. --Scen 20:01, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
Works for me. Another way I always see APWINM is as a place where human beings can't percieve; to steal that string threory scientst's analogy, its like being a fish trying to figure out what is beyond the pond. --Michael 22:58, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
Heh, a lot of things are "a little different than I remember". Whatever, guys. It's yours, I'm shutting the hell up from now on. --Aurora 23:44, 30 September 2006 (CDT)
... Okay. I've been getting this from both sides for a little bit now. I've got a thrumming headache and here's what I have to say: everybody just needs to learn to share.
She's probably not going to say so on either the Wiki, or the main Kupop boards, but Aurora is hurt and a little miffed by a lot of what's gone on since she came back. And it all goes back to our Cardinal Rule for Interactive Stories: "Respect Other Writers." All this talk about the PWINM is hurtful to Aurora because it's the crux of what she wrote about. When Aurora left, a lot of her stuff became Community Property in the Kupopolis universe, but a significant amount of it was stashed away in the PWINM. Now she's come back, and a lot of what used to be hers is now the province of other writers -- she's come to grips with the fact that she's not ever going to get back 100% of what she contributed to the story universe. But there are some things that are essential to what she does still have, and which are dear to her, and the PWINM is one of them. At least half of the ickiness of this discussion thread is due to that.
I say all of that because I know Aurora won't, and because I really don't want anymore of this childish and increasingly personal spat-fest to continue. As flaming as we've gotten in the past, with our word-count debates and all of that, I don't think it has ever reached the level of trouncing upon another writer's story assets, or their rights to the same. And in the time since Aurora's come back I think we've inadvertantly caused her no small amount of anguish simply out of nothing more than force-of-habit because we've gone so long on the assumption that certain things are public property.
... Okay, the headache is getting worse. I need to eat/drink/kill something now. Just play nice. Please? If not for me, do it for the childrens. --Scen 00:31, 1 October 2006 (CDT)