Difference between revisions of "Shadowklown Deathships"

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Shadowklown Deathship is now ready. seats 80-100 Shadowklowns w/ Death Poles™.
Shadowklown Deathship is now ready. seats 80-100 Shadowklowns w/ Death Poles™.
[[Category:Foo tech]]
[[Category:Foo technology]]
[[Category:Inside jokes]]
[[Category:Inside jokes]]

Latest revision as of 16:55, 5 August 2006


  • 1 large refrigerator box
  • 2 rolls duct tape (or like, more if you got some)
  • 1 x-acto knife
  • 1 antimatter compression coil from an R-X-Z drive
  • 1 hyperspace megacondenser
  • 3 rolls of aluminum foil
  • 1 samophlange
  • 2 paper towel tubes
  • 2 flashlights
  • 3 lengths of garden hose (5')
  • A bunch of brooms/mops

instructions: using x-acto knife, cut open one face of refrigerator box. cut removed section in half and affix to sides with duct tape so they totally look like wings. affix antimatter compression coil, hyperspace megacondenser and samophlange to aft interior of box (also with duct tape). use garden hose to connect antimatter compression coil with megacondenser inlet valve (as shown in fig. 8b of megacondenser owner's manual). use another length of garden hose to connect megacondenser pressure release nozzle with main intake of samophlange (fig. 14f of megacondenser owner's manual). use x-acto knife to cut exhaust port into aft wall, and use remaining garden hose to connect samophlange exhaust pipe with the exhaust port you just done cut. secure all hose connections with duct tape plz.

secure flashlights to forward section, on the edge facing forward so you can switch them on for headlights if you sit on the front. use duct tape there, also. then, affix paper towel tubes on front of flashlights so they be like laser cannons, withduct tape also. now cover all the hull with aluminum foil, for cool styles. finally, give all your Shadowklown warriors a broom or mop and tell them they are Death Poles™.

Shadowklown Deathship is now ready. seats 80-100 Shadowklowns w/ Death Poles™.