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An agent of the Celpo, this man has no name that he has ever given, and often changes the subject when the matter of his identity is mentioned. In terms of appearance, he is utterly forgettable, absolutely bland. He always wears a dark suit, making him look like some kind of Tasnican businessman. His hair is conservatively cut, all of his personal grooming just soooo. The only thing off about him are his eyes, which appear just a touch too glassy if one were to look long enough.

The man in the dark suit is the primary contact person for Mister Bones within the Celpo. This means that whenever Mister Bones has a need to get information from the Celpo, the man in the dark suit contacts him. Whenever the Celpo has a need for Mister Bones' services, the man in the dark suit contacts him. The contact is always one way. Mister Bones has no way of contacting the man in the dark suit independently.

The man in the dark suit apparently has the ability to vanish into thin air. No explanation for this apparent ability has been given.