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Cartreo LaMont
Full name: Cartreo LaMont
Born: 3 WR/2286 AD
Birthplace: Marbule, El Nido, Gate III
Sex: Male
Race: Feline Demi-human
Hair: Red
Eyes: Black
Height: 6'5"
Marital Status:
Family/Relationships: {{{family}}}
Religion: Guldovan Draconicist
Title: Dragoon General of El Nido
Nicknames: The One-Eyed Tiger
Known skills: Cartreo is an accomplished swordsman who wields the sacred Acacian sword Einlanzer
Favorite color: Red
Inspiration: Emil Viper

Cartreo was First Deva under the rule of General Emil Miloaren Viper, who was killed by Rajaat. Cartreo inherited the Generalship after the Cleansing Wars.

Cartreo was born in Marbule, a son of the powerful LaMont family. His uncle, Cavaar, saw great promise in young Cartreo, and at one point saw fit to groom him to be the family's heir. Cavaar himself had raised thirteen sons, and to have picked his nephew over all of them surely said something about how much promise the boy held.

Cartreo ultimately spurned his uncle, however, and left Marbule with a small pack of his siblings (his two older brothers and his younger sister) for Acacia, fleeing the tyrrany of their uncle together. There his brothers had sought work as fishermen, a plain enough way to earn a living and support their small family. He joined the Dragoons and worked his way up to the promotion for First Deva, which he won, per the tradition, through a contest of swordplay.

As First Deva, Cartreo was the wielder of Einlanzer. He is still the wielder of Einlanzer to this day, as all of the new Devas have refused the honor of taking it from him, believing that the sacred sword belongs in his hands.