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Rachela Deren
Full name: Rachela Deren
Birthplace: Marabon
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'9"
Marital Status: Single
Family/Relationships: {{{family}}}
Title: High Tane of Fire
Known skills:
Favorite color:


Rachela was born and raised in a family of little Pura on a ranch near the outskirts of Marabonian territory. Her father was a hard working, old fashioned Marabonian man, while her mother was a proud, beautiful woman hailing from Rodan. Rachela was thus a crossbreed, taking on the whiter skin of her mother and the exotic eyes of her father.

Rachela found life growing up to be increasingly frustrating. Endowed with her mother`s spirit and her father`s respect for Pura, she was often disturbed by the slow twisting of the Pura system. She took deep offense that the only way she could gain this so called Pura was either through marriage or adultery. During her early teenage years, she tried often to start women liberation movements in Marabon, which were largely ignored. The result was nothing less than bitterness against men and relationships, as well as a deep cynicism that grew over time.

Life drastically changed, however, when it was discovered she had abilties in the fields of magic when she first crossed into puberty. There was a strong push among Marabonian nobles to send the child away to the Glory Tower, both because of Marabon`s fear of magic users as well as their increasing annoyance of the child. And so Rachela was sent, against her will, to the Glory Tower to study the arts of magic.

She managed not to let this destroy her spirit -- instead, she channeled her frustration into her new found life at the Tower. It was, indeed, a well met task. She rose quickly through the ranks, posessing both massive potential in the magic arts as well as a sharp mind. She found herself down the road of the Fire Tanes, who believed strongly in justice and equality. As it turned out, her abilities in the field of law and order were nearly unmatched in Aryth, and she grew to become the High Tane of Fire with relative ease.

Rachela continues to serve as the High Tane of Fire, a job she takes seriously and devotes herself to passionately -- so passionately that she passed two opportunities to become Verund Cenrum, allowing instead for Marien Othlan and then her daughter, Elayne Crant`za, to step to the seat first. She is fiercely loyal to the Glory Tower, and strives to teach the virtues of justice to every Cenrum that passes through its halls.

In the past, Rachela has also stood by her original cause, which was to instill sexual equality in Marabon. She still fights towards this goal, making frequent trips to Marabon and even confronting De` Terrance on a regular basis, but so far little movement has been made.


Years of frustration growing up has made Rachela cynical and relatively short tempered. She makes very few friends and can tend to be quite difficult to deal with when she is made exceptionally angry.

However, despite these character flaws, far more good can be said about Rachela. There is not a scrap of evil within her. A more fair and just person cannot be found in the Web of Worlds -- she has an uncanny way of looking at everything from all angles, to consider every fact and testimony, a habit which has gotten her far in her work as a Fire Tane. She is also fiercely loyal and dedicated to what she believes in. She is willing to sacrifice time, life, and limb for the ultimate and just good. Though feared and avoided by most students of the Glory Tower, no one, not even the Verund Cenrum herself, is more respected.