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Full Name: Khalid Morris
Born: Feburary 4, 2291 AD (8 WR)
Birthplace: Proto, Guardia
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'0"


Religion: Spekkian (for the cameras)
Title: Chancellor of the Royal Bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Guardia
Nicknames: K-Plan, K-Dawg, K-Slice, K-Ticket, K-Biscuit, K-Train, K-Diggs, K-Sauce, K-Juice, K-Cakes, K-(insert catchy variant here)
Known Skills: Smooth-Talking, Campaigning, Diplomacy. K-Biscuit also bakes up a mean ass banana bread


Khalid Morris is a consumate politician. He is quite possibly the most popular figure ever elected into office by the Guardian people; the office to which he was first elected, in the year 2322, was that of Chancellor. He has thus far been successfully re-elected twice.

Morris grew up in the domed city of Proto, the son of the director of the Proto Syndicate, Taalib Morris. Morris was an ardent opponent of Doan's Arris Syndicate, but the few covert military actions the men had played at against each other always turned in Arris' favor. Taalib allied himself with Natba Ashtear of the Trann Syndicate for a brief time, though the elder Morris had ambitions of his own to win away power for himself as Trann and Arris battered away at each other.

This tactic did not go as well for Morris as he'd have hoped; Trann would recognize Proto's ambition, and the alliance soon dissolved and all three sides waged war on each other. When Natba was finally defeated by Doan in the last clash of the Syndicate Wars, near the city of Bangor in the year 2300, Morris and the Proto Syndicate inherited TrannBikeCo. After Doan's ascension to the throne and the nationalizing of all the nation's corporations and technology firms, Taalib moved to Trann and assumed the position of Director of TrannBikeCo, which was then renamed the Guardian JetBike Corporation (GJC). This company would become the Morris family legacy.

In the year 2313, as Derik was being crowned King, Khalid Morris graduated from Truce University with a double major in Business and Political Science (for which he'd spent his junior year abroad in Tasnica). He had always been considering a run for Parliament, but his father Taalib insisted that Khalid stick around to help run the GJC. Fresh out of college, Morris became the GJC's vice president. He would hold this position until his father perished in the Cleansing Wars, killed by one of the Xenos uprisings that was sparked nation wide after the fall of Guardia Castle. Inheriting the presidency of the GJC, Khalid would eventually leave the corporation altogether after Derik killed Rajaat and the reformed government needed a new Chancellor.

Khalid Morris ran for office as a member of Guardia's Conservative Party, and waged a stealth campaign against his opponent -- and his fellow Conservatives. He defeated Lord Enderik by hyping up a plan for reconstruction that didn't exist, or whose specifics he wouldn't divulge. When he got into office, he used his popularity among the voters to seize control of and completely re-shape the Conservative Party, which he renamed the Progressive Party. Defying the traditional Conservative credo of "less government," the new Progressive Party (whose platform is jealously guarded by those who hope Khalid can win the Parliament away from the Royalists for them) is an advocate for the expansion of the Kingdom's democratic governing organs over its more traditionally autocratic institutions. Progressives, despite the surging popularity of Khalid Morris, have found few strong allies in the Kingdom. Instead, they have made an enemy of the Church, the Nobility and (surprisingly) the robotic populations of Guardia (who by and large see the Progressives as a needless deviation from the order of society, intent on sowing even more chaos into these uncertain times).

Despite his rhetoric and his party's platform, Morris has a good working relationship with King Derik. This is especially evident in the pair's shared hardline stance against the Communist Protectorate, and the perception that Web communism is engaged in a slow, creeping expansion. Khalid Morris is the principal and most vocal advocate of military responses to Communist takeovers of small, defenseless nations, and for this Khalid took Guardia to war against the Merge League after the fall of the Kingdom of Bal.